Co-Written Stories

Caelyn and I have decided to write stories together.  For our first story, we will trade off writing 175 words at a time.  We have not talked before hand about where we want the story to go, and we will not plan anything together along the way.  We might have a vision for where the story goes, but that will change as soon as the other person adds.  We hope you enjoy this!



September 26, 2008
       Liam ran down the hill, dragging Avery by the hand.  He felt a jerk on his hand as Avery tripped over a tree root, having fallen in the mud, unable to see in the dead of night. 
       "Go on," urged Avery.  "I'm just slowing you down.  I´ll hide here and meet up with you later."
       Liam paused.  How could he leave her? She was sure to be found without him; she didn't know the land like he did.  But, maybe she wouldn’t be seen, curled up in the roots of the big oak tree. 
       "Go," she said again.  "We don't have much time." 
       Liam bent down, kissed her forehead, and ran into the black night that stretched out before him. 
       He ran, down the hill and through the maze of trees that he knew so well.  Only, his perfect memory could not save him.  A moment too late, he realized that something was not right; the sight before him not only beheld the giant trees, but also the very person he was running from.  
        The form had emerged slowly at first, a shadow melting out of imagination and into the land of reality, and by the time its appearance had registered with Liam, it was nearly upon him. He skidded backwards, falling into the mud and crawling backwards. His back hit a tree, stopping him in his tracks. 
        His hands groveled between the roots for something to use as a weapon - a rock or stick of some sort. He felt something sharp, maybe a discarded arrowhead or something else left of the natives, and clutched onto it as though it were life itself; as far as he could tell, it very well could have been. 
The form walked towards Liam, its gait steady and confident, its hands clasped behind its back. 
“Li’ani,” the voice whispered, the voice harsh and raspy yet carrying through the chilled air. Liam shuddered at his birth name. He tried to push himself onto his feet so he would at least die fighting, but the figure subdued him with a flick of his fingers: a dozen more shadowy figures emerged from between the trees, their faces shadowed by hoods pulled over their faces. Each one held a loaded bow, all pointed towards Liam’s heart.

Chapter 1

December 2007
       Liam rolled over in bed.  He groaned, covering his face with a pillow.  The winter morning light streamed in from his window.  He groaned again and sat up, knowing Lia would be in soon to wake him up for Christmas morning. 
          Right on cue, Failia (his little sister whom he called Lia) bounded into his room singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" at the top of her voice.  And, like always, her voice was beautiful, sweet and in tune.  
          Lia stopped singing as she reached his bed and sat down next to him, instantly calm. 
       "Come on," she said.  "Mom and Dad are waiting."
       "All right.  I'll be down in just a sec," Liam replied.  
       Lia bounced off the bed and proceeded to skip out of his room, resuming her carols.  
       Liam looked out of his window into the snowy world beyond.  He loved Sheridan County.  The snowy winters, the North Piney Creek, the Big Horn Mountains.  Smiling to himself, he got out of bed, grabbed his robe, and headed out of his room.  

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