Monday, July 11, 2016

Book Review // The Girl From Everywhere

Hello Everyone! I come to you today with a book review - and my first one for that matter.

The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig

“His eyes were so inviting that for a moment, everything in me wanted to reveal this part of myself, as though the truth was a butterfly, wings fluttering, green and gold and quivering to be free. I was a closed book, a rolled map, a dark territory, uncharted; I was surprised by my urgency, but after all, to be known was to exist.” 

I really enjoyed this book. It is hard for me to put my feelings about it in words, but let me try.

Things I Loved:

  • The characters, who were all fully fleshed out and had deep personalities. Each one had their own quirks and was very much their own person. They were all really deep and had great connections with one another. The author also created in-depth backstories for each one, which is really impressive considering they are all from different countries AND time periods. 
  • This leads to the next point: DIVERSITY. This book was full of it! Each character seemed to be from a different place, some of which include modern day New York, 1860s Hawaii, Africa, and China. There is yet another character who is Persian. I loved it!
  • The storyline is great! Is it unique, compelling, and has lots of conflict. 
  • The prose! This was probably the best part of the book for me. Everything was written so poetically, and the book was rich with metaphors, similes, and allusions.
  • I love how the author incorporated so many myths! Some of the locations that they visit are even "mythical," as the version of the place that they are sent to is based on what the mapmaker believed. My favorite was the pocket-sized dragon (I want one!). 
  • Another thing that I almost forgot: the way that they time traveled. I found it very creative! I especially loved how it allowed people to go to mythical places, as I mentioned above. It literally made the story magical. 
Things I Didn't Like:
  • The romance. Honestly, I was shipping Nix and Kash the whole time and there was very little romance. I wanted more!
  • Some parts of the novel were slow and I felt like they didn't contribute to the book overall.
When all is said and done, I really liked this book. Not my favorite book ever - the four stars is because I felt like it could have been more compelling overall. And the romance... 

Other than that I loved it! I highly recommend it. 

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