Monday, August 29, 2016

Book Review // My Lady Jane

Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts these past few weeks. I went on vacation with my family and then school started, so there has been a lot of transition over the past few days. That is also why I have not been able to post on social media. I need to find time to take Bookstagram photos (hopefully this weekend!), so stay tuned for that. For now, here is a book review.

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows

"Who on earth could feel comfortable enough to sleep in a room with no books?"

I really, really liked this book for so many reasons. It gets five stars. For one thing, it was centered around books. I mean, a book about books! What could get better than that? But that's not is a list of all of the things that I loved about this book!

Things I Loved:

  • The main characters - they are all so unique and really grew as the novel progressed. They also all possess traits that you would expect the actual people in history to have while being adapted to relate to our modern society.
  • Magic, but not normal magic. This was magic that was used to show the disagreements between two religions - talk about plot device! Basically, people have the ability to turn into their animals - randomly or not at all at the beginning and with control as they learn to embrace their abilities and believe in themselves.
  • Evil advisers, evil sisters, and evil animal-people-magic things. 
  • Backstabbing and attempted (and believed) murder!
  • I also really loved the whole (SPOILER ALERT) arranged marriage = falling in love thing. 
  • The fact that the authors stole Shakespeare and had G write his poems. There was controversy anyway...
  • The comedy! I was laughing so hard throughout this book. If you want to laugh, read this. 
  • The dedication. Trust me.
  • And lots, lots, LOTS more! I read this book a while back and I absolutely loved it, but I can no longer remember specifically why. Argggghhhh! Anyhow, I really want to read it again at some point, and I highly recommend it. Read it. Now. Seriously, I mean it.

Things I Didn't Like

  • I can honestly think of nothing bad about this book. I'll get back to you on that if I thing of anything. 
Thanks for reading! I hope to be back with more posts soon! But until then, have a wonderful everything! :)

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